Photoshop Tutorials

Here are a list of tutorials for beginners to teach you about how to use Photoshop.

How to Change Hair Color in Photoshop
Here's how to change hair color in Photoshop using the Brush Tool and Gaussian Blur Filter. Hair color is made on a separate layer with Overlay blending mode so that it blends with the photo on the background layer. The hair color is changed by selecting a color in the color palette then we paint on the hair using the Brush Tool. Finally, apply a gaussian blur filter and clean up unwanted areas using the Eraser Tool. Let’s get started!

How to Create a Lomo Effect in Photoshop
The Lomo effect arrived in the early 80s after the invention of the Russian film camera, Kompakt Automat. A camera that produces blurry photos with minimal grain noise. The following steps will show you how to create a lomo effect in Photoshop using filters and adjustment layers. As an illustration, to create a lomo effect on the photo, we will add a noise filter, a radial blur filter, a gradient map adjustment layer and finally a Brightness / Contrast adjustment layer. As usual, duplicate the layers first to keep the original photo from getting damaged.

How To Add Falling Snow In Photoshop
We can use the Noise filter and Motion Blur to create a snow effect on the photo. The trick is to make a layer with black and blend mode Screen for the snow effect, add noise to the layer, add blur, add motion blur and finally adjust the amount of snow in the photo with adjustment levels. We can determine the direction of the snowfall by adjusting the angle in the motion blur window. If you want the snow effect in a more natural direction, duplicate the snow layer then transform it 180 degrees. Let’s get started!

Creating Sunset Effect in Photoshop Using a Gradient Map
Here is a tutorial on Creating Sunset Effect in Photoshop Using a Gradient Map. If you want more flexible settings, then a gradient map adjustment layer is a better choice. At this time, we will explain how to create a sunset effect using a gradient map.

How to Cast a Shadow in Photoshop
Here is a tutorial on how to create natural shadows for people using Photoshop. The method that will be explained here is to use the drop shadow layer style. The first step that must be done is to make a selection on the person we will create the shadow effect for. Then we make the selection on that person into a separate layer so that the drop shadow application is not mixed with the photo background. After applying the drop shadow layer style, we also make the drop shadow into a separate layer. So we will create three layers namely background, people layer and shadow layer. The final step is to use the Free Transform command to change the shape and position of the drop shadow to get a natural shadow. Let’s get started!

How to Change Eyes Color in Photoshop
Here is a tutorial on how to change eyes color using Photoshop. We can change the eye color of the photo using a color balance adjustment layer, by adjusting the Shadow, Midtones and Highlights properties. Make a selection first on the area that we will change the color. You can use your favorite selection tool. In this tutorial I will create a Path using the Pen Tool to make it easier to create a groove. Then we change this path into a selection. And the final step is to change the color in the selection area using a color balance adjustment layer. 

Vignette Effect in Photoshop
When we take photos outside using the camera, sometimes there are dark corners around the photo that produce a tunnel effect. We can get rid of it using the Filter> Lens Correction menu by moving the Vignette slider to the right. And vice versa if we want a vignette effect on the photo, we move the vignette slider to the left. However, the vignette effect is useful for giving focus to the center of the photo. If you want to apply a Lens Correction filter, you should first convert the photo layer into a smart object so that the original photo is not damaged and of course we can edit the vignette settings easily. Here is a tutorial to add dark vignette to photo corners: 

How To Create Polaroid Effect in Photoshop
Currently, many people have used digital cameras or cell phones that have cameras. So that the use of Polaroid instant photos while traveling is rarely used. However, the unique shape of the photo frame is the main attraction that cannot be replaced. To edit the photos that we have into polaroid photos, we can trick them by using a photo editor application such as Photoshop. 

How To Create a Fisheye Effect in Photoshop
Fisheye effect or photos with convex lenses is a photographic technique that uses a unique lens to take a photo subject in a circular or circular frame. If you don't have a fisheye camera, you can create one using Photoshop. The first step is to make a circle selection using the Elliptical Marquee Tool, inverse the selection, fill the selection with black, re-inverse the selection, give it a distort spherize filter, and finally crop the image so that it has a square fisheye effect. The photos for the purposes of this Photoshop tutorial are taken from Just follow the steps below:

How to Make Rainbow Hair in Adobe Photoshop
Here is a tutorial on How to Make Rainbow Hair in Adobe Photoshop. We can change the hair color to rainbow color using Photoshop by using the gradient tool, layer mask, brush tool, gaussian blur. The first step, make a new layer transparent with Overlay blending mode. Then click the gradient tool, select linear gradient, and choose the gradient color you want. Then apply the gradient to the document by clicking and dragging on the hair area in your photo. Create a layer mask to cover the gradient color. To bring back the rainbow color to the hair, click the brush tool, select a soft brush, then brush over the hair. Apply a Gaussian blur to get a natural hair color. The final step is tidy up the expanded hair color using the Eraser tool. Follow the steps below for more details. The photo for this Photoshop tutorial is from Pixabay.

How to Change Color in Photoshop
With Photoshop we can easily change the color of the photo or only in certain areas that we select by adjusting the hue / saturation. If you only want to change the color in certain areas in the photo, you have to make a selection first. Making a selection in Photoshop does require patience. In this example we will use the Quick Selection Tool selection tool which makes a selection based on the same color. Follow these steps:

Adding Sun Rays Effect to Photo in Photoshop
If we have a photo facing the sun, there is a simple effect that we can apply, namely the effect of sun rays. The trick is to create a new layer. Apply the render clouds filter to the blank layer. Then we apply a Zoom radial blur filter. Create a radial blur center zoom on the sun. For the blend mode, we can select the overlay, softlight or hardlight mode according to the effect you want. Adjust the opacity on the layer palette if the effect of the sun is too strong. For more details, please follow the steps below:

How to Create Text Reflection in Photoshop
The following will explain a trick to create a Photoshop reflection effect on text. The same trick is creating Photoshop's shadow effect on objects, even simpler. The trick is to create a new document, write your text on the canvas, then duplicate the text layer. Flip the text on the copy text layer and move it underneath the main text. The last step is to create a layer mask on the copy text layer and apply a black to white gradient on the layer mask. For more details, follow the steps below:

How to Create Reflection in Photoshop
We can create a reflection in Photoshop on an object by simply creating three layers. The first layer (bottom layer) is for the background, the second layer is for the shadow and the third layer (the top layer) is for the object itself. The shadow on the second layer is created by duplicating the layer and then applying Flip Vertical with the Free Transform command. As for the shadow effect, we can use the Gradient tool by selecting Black, White Gradient and the Radial Gradient options. You can also add a Gaussian Blur if desired.

Selective Coloring in Photoshop
Today, we will explain how to focus color on certain objects and give black and white to other objects or what is commonly called Selective Coloring. The method is quite easy, namely by making a Black & White adjustment layer then erasing the area we want to show the color using the Eraser Tool. If the object has a solid color it will be faster to use the color range. Here's a tutorial on selective coloring using the Eraser Tool:

Creating Rain Effect in Photoshop
Creating rain effect on photos can be done by using Photoshop's own blur filter. The first step that needs to be done is to increase the size of the photo canvas each 100 pixels on all sides, in order to obtain a natural rainwater effect. The next step, create a new layer for the rain effect. We give this layer a blend mode Screen and fill it with black. Then add noise, add blur, add motion blur and finally, adjust the amount of rain on the photo using the levels command. We can determine the direction of rain falling by adjusting the angle in the motion blur window. Here are the steps:

How to make a Transparent Text On Photo in Photoshop
There is a simple way to add transparent text to a photo. The trick, create a new layer then fill the layer with the color we want. Adjust the transparency of the layer by adjusting the opacity of the layer palette to around 60% to 70%. Resize the layer using the Free Transform command so that it fits the text. After typing and arranging your text, make a selection around the text. Finally, delete the selection area so that the image on the background layer is visible. This way you will get a transparent text effect. For more details, follow the steps below:

Turning Photo Into Hand Sketches in Photoshop
By using Adobe Photoshop application we can turn a photo into a hand drawn sketch. Sketching using a mouse is not an easy job, especially for those who are just learning Photoshop. Here is a simple trick for making a hand-drawn sketch from a photo. The following effects work well for portrait photos. No mouse skills required. Only by making a duplicate layer then giving it a Blend Mode of Color Dodge, invert and finally applying another> minimum filter to that layer, you will get an image that is quite similar to a hand drawn sketch. It only takes about 5 minutes to make. Follow these steps:

How to Sharpen Photo in Photoshop
We often take photos using digital cameras or use cell phones to capture certain moments. Sometimes the results of our photo shots are a bit blurry because we are aiming too quickly or because our hands are shaking. If discarded, of course it's a shame because it is a photo of an important moment for us. Here is a simple trick using Photoshop to sharpen the shots using the High Pass Filter and Blend Mode Overlay, Soft Light or Hard Light. Try to use the original file. The bigger the photo resolution, the better the result.

How to Put Image Inside Text in Photoshop
Here's a tutorial on how to put images in text with Photoshop. The first step is to create a blank layer, then fill it using the color you want. I'll fill it with white. Next, write your text on the canvas using the Horizontal Type Tool. Adjust its size and position using the Free Transform command. Make a selection around the text then activate the white layer and hit the Delete key. This way the selection will be erased so that the photo below will be visible. Maybe you want to see a similar tutorial, which is a tutorial on filling letters with different images.

How to Create Painting Effects from Photos in Photoshop
In this Photoshop lesson I will show you how easy it is to create a painting effect on a photo just by creating a layer and then applying the right filters and color blending modes on each layer. For best results, you should choose a photo that doesn't have fine details because to create this painting effect, filters will be used that reduce the detail of the image. Also make sure the photo you choose has good color contrast.

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