Tuesday, October 6, 2020

How to Change Hair Color in Photoshop

How to Change Hair Color in Photoshop
Here's how to change hair color in Photoshop using the Brush Tool and Gaussian Blur Filter. Hair color is made on a separate layer with Overlay blending mode so that it blends with the photo on the background layer. The hair color is changed by selecting a color in the color palette then we paint on the hair using the Brush Tool. Finally, apply a gaussian blur filter and clean up unwanted areas using the Eraser Tool. Let’s get started!

1. Open Photo Then Create a New Layer.
Select the File> Open menu to open your photo then create a new layer by selecting Layer> New> Layer or by clicking the create a new layer icon at the bottom of the layer palette. Change the blending mode of the new layer to Overlay. Rename it if needed by double clicking on the Layer 1 name and changing it to hair color.
Open a photo then create a new layer.
Open a photo then create a new layer.

2. Select a color for the hair, click the brush tool and set the brush size.
Click the color you want for hair color in the Colors palette, click the Brush Tool on the Tool palette and set the brush size in the options bar. To adjust the brush size, you can use the keyboard button open brackets [and brackets close].
Click the foreground color box then choose a color.
Click the foreground color box then choose a color.

Click the Brush Tool then adjust the size with the [and] keys.
Click the Brush Tool then adjust the size with the [and] keys.

3. Brush onto the hair.
Make sure the hair color layer is the active layer. Click then drag the mouse over the hair area until all the hair is red. To make work easier, enlarge the image by pressing the Ctrl ++ key or reduce it by pressing the keyboard keys Ctrl + -.
Drag the mouse over the hair.
Drag the mouse over the hair.

4. Give a Gaussian Blur to the Hair Color Layer.
Select menu Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur. Please move the Radius slider until you get a natural hair color. Click the OK button.
Apply a Gaussian Blur.
Apply a Gaussian Blur.

5. Clean Using the Eraser Tool.
Click the Eraser Tool icon on the Tool palette then paint over the parts you don't want. You can remove the visibility of the Background layer to see the gaussian blur effect of the hair more clearly. 
The Eraser Tool.
The Eraser Tool.

Clean it using the eraser tool.
Clean it using the eraser tool.

And here is the result:
How to change hair color in Photoshop.
Photoshop tutorial How to change hair color.

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