Friday, October 2, 2020

How to Change Eyes Color in Photoshop

How to Change Eyes Color in Photoshop
Here is a tutorial on how to change eyes color using Photoshop. We can change the eye color of the photo using a color balance adjustment layer, by adjusting the Shadow, Midtones and Highlights properties. Make a selection first on the area that we will change the color. You can use your favorite selection tool. In this tutorial I will create a Path using the Pen Tool to make it easier to create a groove. Then we change this path into a selection. And the final step is to change the color in the selection area using a color balance adjustment layer. 

We can directly use the menu Image> Adjustments> Color Balance. However, using the Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Color Balance menu has the advantage that we can edit the color we changed one day if we are not satisfied with the result. And also changes are not made directly to the photo but to the layer. So we don't have to worry about our photos being damaged. Let’s get started! 

1. Open Your Photo. 
After opening the Photoshop application, select File> Open or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O to open the Open window. Browse and click your photo, then click the Open button. By default, a layer named Background will be created. 

Stock for this Photoshop tutorial286797.
Open a photo.
Open a photo. 

2. Duplicate the Background Layer. 
To keep the original photo from being damaged, duplicate the background layer by pressing Ctrl + J keyboard key. A duplicate background layer will be formed with the name Layer 1. We will be working on Layer 1. 
Duplicate layer.
Duplicate layer. 

3. Select the Pen Tool. 
Now select the Pen Tool on the Tool Panel. Select Path on the Option Bar located at the bottom of the menu bar. We're going to use the Pen Tool to create a path for the eyeball which we will change its color and then turn into a selection. 
The Pen Tool.
The Pen Tool. 

4. Create a Path on the Eyeball. 
Please do click-click on the edge of the eyeball to follow the path so that it forms a Path around it. The end of the path must meet the start of the path. 
Draw a Path on the Eyeball.
Draw a Path on the Eyeball. 

5. Change Path To Selection. 
Convert the path we have made into a selection. You do this by right clicking the mouse on the document to display the menu. On the menu that appears, choose Make Selection. Next, the Make Selection dialog box will appear. I'll fill in a Feather Radius of 1 pixels then click the OK button. The path on the eyeball should now be turned into a selection with a flickering line. 
Right click then select Make Selection.
Right click then select Make Selection. 

Fill in Feather radius.
Fill in Feather radius. 

6. Make a Color Balance Adjustment Layer. 
Click the adjustment layer icon located at the bottom of the layer panel, then on the menu that appears select Color Balance. The layer panel will form a Color Balance 1 adjustment layer. And the properties window for the color balance will also appear. 
Select Color Balance.
Select Color Balance. 

Color Balance Adjustment Layer.
Color Balance Adjustment Layer. 

7. Change Color By Adjusting Properties Color Balance. 
In the color balance properties window there is a drop down menu containing 3 settings, namely Shadow, Midtones and Highlights. I'll fill in the numbers for Shadow R: 20, G: 27, B: -25. For Midtones R: 10, G: -13, B: -17. And Highlights R: 21, G: -27, B: -26. These settings will differ depending on the photo and the eye color you want. The eye color in the sample photo which was black and blue has now turned brown. 
Set the Color Balance in the color balance properties window.
Set the Color Balance in the color balance properties window. 

8. Repeat Step 3 to Step 7 for the right eye. 
Please repeat steps 3 to 7 to change the color of the right eye. Fill in the same color balance setting as the left eye. 
Repeat Step 3 to Step 7 for the right eye.
Repeat Step 3 to Step 7 for the right eye. 

9. Save the Project. 
When finished, save the project by selecting the File> Save menu. Give the file a name then click the Save button. 

Here is the result: 
How to Change Eyes Color in Photoshop.
How to Change Eyes Color in 

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