Friday, October 2, 2020

Vignette Effect in Photoshop

Vignette Effect in Photoshop
When we take photos outside using the camera, sometimes there are dark corners around the photo that produce a tunnel effect. We can get rid of it using the Filter> Lens Correction menu by moving the Vignette slider to the right. And vice versa if we want a vignette effect on the photo, we move the vignette slider to the left. However, the vignette effect is useful for giving focus to the center of the photo. If you want to apply a Lens Correction filter, you should first convert the photo layer into a smart object so that the original photo is not damaged and of course we can edit the vignette settings easily. Here is a tutorial to add dark vignette to photo corners: 

1. Open a photo then convert the layer into a smart object. 
Open your photo using Photoshop by choosing File> Open. Select your photo file then click the Open button. By default Photoshop will create a layer for your photos called the Background layer. 

So that the vignette filter can be edited if one day we are not satisfied with its settings, we must convert the Background layer into a smart object. Select the Filter> Conver for smart filters. A dialog box will appear stating that to use editable filters, the selected layer will be converted into a smart object, click the OK button. The background layer is now turned into a smart object with the name Layer 0. 

Stock for this Photoshop tutorial914067.
Converting to a smart object.
Converting to a smart object. 

2. Apply a vignette filter. 
Select menu Filter> Lens Correction. Click on the Custom tab then please move the Amount and Midpoint sliders to adjust the vignette effect you want. Move the slider towards the left to give a dark light effect and slide to the right if you want to give a bright light effect. 
Adjust the Vignette Slider.
Adjust the Vignette Slider. 

3. How to Edit Settings. 
After applying the Lens Correction filter, a filter effect will be created below Layer 0. If you want to edit the vignette settings, double click on Lens Correction. As for setting the blend mode and opacity of the vignette effect, double click on the icon to the right of Lens Correction. 
Vignette Layer.
Vignette Layer. 

Here is the result: 
Vignette effect in Photoshop.
Vignette effect in 

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