Sunday, September 13, 2020

Turning Photo Into Hand Sketches in Photoshop

Turning Photo Into Hand Sketches in Photoshop
By using Adobe Photoshop application we can turn a photo into a hand drawn sketch. Sketching using a mouse is not an easy job, especially for those who are just learning Photoshop. Here is a simple trick for making a hand-drawn sketch from a photo. The following effects work well for portrait photos. No mouse skills required. Only by making a duplicate layer then giving it a Blend Mode of Color Dodge, invert and finally applying another> minimum filter to that layer, you will get an image that is quite similar to a hand drawn sketch. It only takes about 5 minutes to make. Follow these steps:

1. Open your photo.
Open your photo using Photoshop by selecting the File menu> Open or pressing Ctrl + O on the keyboard. In the Open dialog box, click your photo and then click the Open button. Stock for this Photoshop tutorial 3852896-Pixabay.
Open your photo file by pressing Ctrl + O.
Open your photo file by pressing Ctrl + O.

2. Duplicate the Background Layer.
After opening the photo, Photoshop will create the Background layer by default. Duplicate the Background layer by pressing Ctrl + J keys. A copy layer will form from the Background layer named Layer 1. Change the blend mode of Layer 1 to Color Dodge.
Duplicate background layer by pressing Ctrl + J key and change blend mode to color dodge.
Duplicate background layer by pressing Ctrl + J key and change blend mode to color dodge.

3. Layer 1 inversion.
Click on Layer 1 to make sure it is the active layer. Invert Layer 1 by pressing Ctrl + I or select the menu Image> Adjustments> Invert.
Invert Layer 1 by pressing Ctrl + I.
Invert Layer 1 by pressing Ctrl + I.

4. Apply the Other> Minimum Filter on Layer 1.
Select menu Filter> Other> Minimum .... Minimum dialog box will appear. Fill in a radius of 1 or 2 pixels then click the OK button. Check the Preview checkbox if you want to see the results.
The Minimum Filter dialog box.
The Minimum Filter dialog box.

After applying filter> other> minimum, the photo of our hand sketch is finished. Save the project by selecting the menu File> Save, name the file then click the Save button. Here is the result:
Turning Photo Into Hand Sketches in Photoshop
The final result turns the photo into a sketch.

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