Sunday, September 13, 2020

How to Sharpen Photo in Photoshop

How to Sharpen Photo in Photoshop

We often take photos using digital cameras or use cell phones to capture certain moments. Sometimes the results of our photo shots are a bit blurry because we are aiming too quickly or because our hands are shaking. If discarded, of course it's a shame because it is a photo of an important moment for us. Here is a simple trick using Photoshop to sharpen the shots using the High Pass Filter and Blend Mode Overlay, Soft Light or Hard Light. Try to use the original file. The bigger the photo resolution, the better the result.

1. Open your photo by pressing the keyboard key simultaneously Ctrl + O. After the Open dialog box appears, select your file then click the Open button.
Open your photo.
Open your photo.

2. Once open will form the default Background Layer. Duplicate the layer by pressing Ctrl + J key. Layer 1 will be formed above the Background Layer. We will be working with Layer 1 so click on Layer 1 to make sure it is the active layer. On the layer palette, change the Layer 1's Blend Mode from Normal to Overlay. With the blend mode overlay your photo will change to look too contrasting.
Duplicate layer then change its blend mode to Overlay.
Duplicate layer then change its blend mode to Overlay.

3. Apply a high pass filter to Layer 1. With Layer 1 active select on the menu bar the options "Filter", "Other", "High Pass ...". The High Pass dialog box will appear. Please adjust the radius (in pixels) using the available sliders. Don't forget to check the Preview checkbox so you can see the results of your settings. Once satisfied, click the OK button.
High Pass dialog box.
High Pass dialog box.

4. With Layer 1 active highlighted in blue, change the opacity of the layer palette to 80%. As for the Blend Mode, you can change it to Soft Light, Hard Light or keep it Overlay depending on your photo.
Final settings on the layers palette.
Final settings on the layers palette.

The following is a comparison of the initial photo with the photo from the High Pass Filter:
Before Filter.
Before Filter.

How to Sharpen Photo in Photoshop
After the filter.

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