Sunday, September 13, 2020

How to Put Image Inside Text in Photoshop

How to Put Images Inside Text in Photoshop
Here's a tutorial on how to put images in text with Photoshop. The first step is to create a blank layer, then fill it using the color you want. I'll fill it with white. Next, write your text on the canvas using the Horizontal Type Tool. Adjust its size and position using the Free Transform command. Make a selection around the text then activate the white layer and hit the Delete key. This way the selection will be erased so that the photo below will be visible. Maybe you want to see a similar tutorial, which is a tutorial on filling letters with different images.

1. Open Image.
Select the File> Open command on the menubar above or you can also press the Ctrl + O keyboard shortcut key to open your photo into the Photoshop application. The "Open" dialog box will open. Please find your photo location folder then click your photo. If your file is not visible, try to display all files by selecting "All Formats" in the "Files of type" column. Then click the Open button. By default, your photo will be loaded into a layer called Background.

For the purposes of this Photoshop tutorial I will be using this image sydney-363244, downloaded from Pixabay.
Open Image. By default, your photo will be loaded into a layer called Background.
Open Image. By default, your photo will be loaded into a layer called Background.

2. Create a Blank Layer.
Create a new layer to hold our pictorial writing. To create a new layer, select the command Layer> New Layer or you can also press the keyboard shortcut Shift + Ctrl + N. The "New Layer" dialog window will open. In the New Layer window, please enter a layer name then click the OK button. In the layer panel will appear a new layer named Layer 1, right above the Background layer.

We are going to fill the whole new layer with white. Click Layer 1 in the Layers panel to make sure it is the active layer. Fill the layer with white by selecting Edit> Fill or using the keyboard shortcut Shift + F5. The "Fill" dialog window will appear. On the Use menu, select White and press the OK button. Now all Layer 1 is white.
The New Layer dialog box.
The New Layer dialog box.

In the layers panel will appear a new layer called Layer 1, right above the Background layer.
In the layers panel will appear a new layer called Layer 1, right above the Background layer.

Fill it with white.
Fill it with white.

3. Select the Horizontal Type Tool.
Click the Horizontal Type Tool icon on the Tools panel or you can use the keyboard shortcut T. The Horizontal Type Tool is grouped together with the Vertical Type Tool, Horizontal Type Mask Tool and Vertical Type Mask Tool. So, if you don't find the Horizontal Type Tool, please right-click or hold-click on one of the tools above to bring up all the available tools in one group. You can also press the Shift + T keyboard shortcut until the tool you want is active. Then please set the font type, font color and font size on the option bar.
Horizontal Type Tool. Set the font type on the option bar.
Horizontal Type Tool. Set the font type on the option bar.

4. Write Text.
Click the mouse on the canvas where you want to insert the text. Then write your text. When finished typing press Ctrl + Enter or click the Commit button on the options bar. Photoshop will automatically create a text layer. Now we have three layers, namely, the text layer, Layer 1, and the Background layer.
Write text.
Write text.

5. Arrange the Text Using the Free Transform Command.
Press Ctrl + T to call the Free Transform command or you can also select the command Edit> Free Transform. The Free Transform box will appear with handles around the text. Please click on the edge of the Free Transform box then drag outwards to enlarge the font or drag in to zoom out. Dragging the mouse while holding down the Shift key will keep your font size ratio in check. Click the font then drag inside the Free Transform box to shift its position. Click the Commit button on the options bar or press Ctrl + Enter when you are finished.
A Free Transform box will appear with handles around the text.
A Free Transform box will appear with handles around the text.

Adjust text using Free Transform.
Adjust text using Free Transform.

6. Make a Selection Around the Text.
Make a selection around the text by holding down the Ctrl key, clicking on the thumbnail of the text layer in the layers panel. You will see a dotted line that surrounds your text. Photoshop makes a selection with the shape according to the writing.
Click while holding down the Ctrl key on the text layer thumbnail.
Click while holding down the Ctrl key on the text layer thumbnail.

7. Delete Selection Area.
Click on Layer 1, then hit the Delete button. Click the eye icon to the left of the text layer to get rid of the visibility options. Now your photo should appear in the text.
Delete the selection area. Click the eye icon to the left of the text layer to get rid of the visibility options.
Delete the selection area. Click the eye icon to the left of the text layer to get rid of the visibility options.

8. Add Stroke.
With the text selection still active, add a stroke by choosing Edit> Stroke. The "Stroke" dialog window will appear. In the Stroke window, fill in a width of 3 px. Click the color box to select a stroke color. Click the OK button. Press Ctrl + D keys to deselect. It's finished editing your image text. Good luck. 
Add Stroke to surround the text.
Add Stroke to surround the text.

Here is the result:
How to Put Image Inside Text in Photoshop.
How to Put Image Inside Text in Photoshop.

9. Save the Document.
Save the pictorial writing project that you have created by selecting the File> Save command on the menubar above or by pressing the shortcut key on the keyboard Ctrl + S. The "Save As" dialog box will appear. In the drop-down menu "Save in" above, please browse the location of the folder to save the file location, in the "File name" column, type the file name for your pictorial writing project then press the Save button.

Don't forget to save your project in PSD document format so we can edit it at a later date. If you want to upload to social media or for other purposes, select the File> Save As menu and save the photo in JPG format.

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