Tuesday, October 6, 2020

How to Change Hair Color in Photoshop

How to Change Hair Color in Photoshop
Here's how to change hair color in Photoshop using the Brush Tool and Gaussian Blur Filter. Hair color is made on a separate layer with Overlay blending mode so that it blends with the photo on the background layer. The hair color is changed by selecting a color in the color palette then we paint on the hair using the Brush Tool. Finally, apply a gaussian blur filter and clean up unwanted areas using the Eraser Tool. Let’s get started!

How to Create a Lomo Effect in Photoshop

How to Create a Lomo Effect in Photoshop
The Lomo effect arrived in the early 80s after the invention of the Russian film camera, Kompakt Automat. A camera that produces blurry photos with minimal grain noise. The following steps will show you how to create a lomo effect in Photoshop using filters and adjustment layers. As an illustration, to create a lomo effect on the photo, we will add a noise filter, a radial blur filter, a gradient map adjustment layer and finally a Brightness / Contrast adjustment layer. As usual, duplicate the layers first to keep the original photo from getting damaged.

How To Add Falling Snow In Photoshop

How To Add Falling Snow In Photoshop
We can use the Noise filter and Motion Blur to create a snow effect on the photo in Photoshop. The trick is to make a layer with black and blend mode Screen for the snow effect, add noise to the layer, add blur, add motion blur and finally adjust the amount of snow in the photo with adjustment levels. We can determine the direction of the snowfall by adjusting the angle in the motion blur window. If you want the snow effect in a more natural direction, duplicate the snow layer then transform it 180 degrees. Let’s get started!

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Creating Sunset Effect in Photoshop Using a Gradient Map

Creating Sunset Effect in Photoshop Using a Gradient Map
Here is a tutorial on Creating Sunset Effect in Photoshop Using a Gradient Map. If you want more flexible settings, then a gradient map adjustment layer is a better choice. At this time, we will explain how to create a sunset effect using a gradient map.

Friday, October 2, 2020

How to Cast a Shadow in Photoshop

How to Cast a Shadow in Photoshop
Here is a tutorial on how to create natural shadows for people using Photoshop. The method that will be explained here is to use the drop shadow layer style. The first step that must be done is to make a selection on the person we will create the shadow effect for. Then we make the selection on that person into a separate layer so that the drop shadow application is not mixed with the photo background. After applying the drop shadow layer style, we also make the drop shadow into a separate layer. So we will create three layers namely background, people layer and shadow layer. The final step is to use the Free Transform command to change the shape and position of the drop shadow to get a natural shadow. Let’s get started!